University of West Attica – Overview

UNIWA website

The University of West Attica (UNIWA, ) was established in March 2018[1], following the merger of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences and Athens University of Applied Sciences, whilst the National School of Public Health also joined the newly established university a year later.

It is the third biggest University in Greece with over 57,800 undergraduate, 5,500 postgraduate and 780 doctoral students, spread in three Campuses within the metropolitan region of Athens.

Drawing from the long and successful academic tradition of the constituting institutes, UNIWA provides high-level undergraduate and postgraduate education combined with intensive research activities, while it maintains strong partnerships with other domestic and foreign academic and research institutes.

At the moment, UNIWA consists of 6 Faculties (‘Public Health’, ‘Management, Economics and Social Sciences’, ‘Food Sciences’, ‘Health and Welfare Sciences’, ‘Applied Arts and Culture’, and ‘Engineering’) and offers 26 undergraduate and 82 postgraduate Programmes in total, covering a wide range of classic and emerging fields including social, administrative and economic sciences, engineering sciences, health and welfare sciences, food sciences and art studies.

In terms of faculty and staff, UNIWA employs 608 faculty members, 138 special laboratory teaching and technical staff members, and 345 administrative staff members.

[1] Law. 4521/2018 “Establishment of the University of Western Attica and other provisions”, (Greek Gov. Gazette 38/A/2-3-2018)