The MSc Program in detail

The MSc program in detail

Prospective students are expected to have an engineering or sciences background. Ideally, they should hold a diploma on Electrical, Electronics, Computers or other engineering field, or a degree on Computer Science, Mathematics or Sciences. Graduates of other disciplines may also be accepted for research in cross-disciplinary subjects, upon establishing through their portfolio and interview adequate skills and personal interest for research that will guarantee the completion of the Programme.

This is not a typical MSc Programme with taught courses: the character of study is highly diversified according to the specific area of research chosen by the student. Certain areas require the presence of the student in the lab for taking measurements and carrying out other experimental procedures, while other areas require mainly computer work that may be done and supervised remotely; hybrid requirements are often the case, as well. To orient candidates as to the requirements of each area, places offered are accompanied by a research title, a short description of contents, expected outcomes and expected type of student contribution, as well as the background of an ideal candidate. Moreover, candidates are strongly encouraged to get in contact directly with the academic supervisor of each advertised research title they are interested in, in order to clarify all relevant questions and practical issues before applying.

Candidates may apply for up to three places/titles within an annual call. Each annual call is therefore unique: it is expected to offer places in different research areas, according to the current interests of the supervising academic staff.

As it is clear by the program title, it encompasses all aspects of this field of engineering studies, at the MSc level. Although it may seem that such a program does not provide any specialization, in fact the opposite is true: each place opened in a yearly call is unique in that it is linked from the beginning to a specific subject of research the successful candidate is expected to undertake from day one of his/her studies, under the supervision of the academic staff that proposed the subject and as a member of the corresponding research laboratory team. No two calls for applications are therefore identical, while on the other hand every active academic member of the Department has the chance to work with new graduate students and advance his/her area of research. The Department and the program are therefore closely tied in a feedback loop that is expected to benefit both.

The character of this MSc program ensures student-centered learning. Indeed, 66 out of the 90 ECTS are dedicated to research during which each student is personally supervised by an academic staff member. In the taught courses that account for the rest of the 24 ECTS, learning is mostly project-based and student collaboration in teams is encouraged. Moreover, an academic advisor is assigned to each incoming student upon enrollment, for counseling and monitoring of his/her progress throughout the studies.

Assignments are spread along the academic terms so as not to accumulate by the semester endings, while grading is based on multiple activities and not only on a final exam. The grading system for each course is announced in the beginning of the semester. Grade percentage breakdown for the Supervised Research and the MSc thesis are also clearly stated in the Study Regulation.

Students are encouraged to present in public their intermediate research results by the end of the 1st and 2nd semester of study, as well as to present their MSc thesis by the end of the 3rd semester, in order to acquire presentation, communication and argumentation skills. For student guidance, templates are provided online for all student deliverables (homework assignments, Technical Reports, MSc Thesis). Moreover, students are required to publish their research results, in order to acquire scientific writing skills and get acquainted with the research publishing procedures.

The internal quality assurance of the MSc program is guaranteed by the adoption and close observation of the internal evaluation procedures of the Department. These include among other the evaluation of all teachers / lectures / instructors and all MSc program modules by the students through anonymous online questionnaires, at the end of each and every academic term (semester).

Evaluation statistics are announced on the MSc website and discussed in regular meetings of the Program Committee. Personalized information is fed back to the instructors, to improve their teaching.

Calls for applications are issued yearly, in June. The selection process is completed by September and classes start in the Winter Semester, typically in the 1st week of October.

Admission of candidates is decided on the basis of an interview and a portfolio submitted with the application. In their portfolio, candidates should document their achievements, academic and/or professional, and document their skills relevant to the program. In the interview, candidates should prove their interest in the specific field of study, establish their connection to the area and present their skills that ensure that they will carry out program requirements successfully.

The final score for each candidate is the average of portfolio and interview scores, with equal weights. On the basis of the final score, the evaluation committee draws up the list of successful candidates and submits it to the board for approval. All applicants are notified for the evaluation results. Successful candidates must register at the MSc Secretariat within fifteen (15) days of the letter of acceptance, presenting at the same time all the necessary registration documents along with the proof of payment of the first instalment of the first semester tuition fees.

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, the Master of Science by Research in Electrical – Electronics Engineering is conferred by the University of West Attica. The specialization area of the graduate is also indicated on the MSc title.

The MSc Degree final grade (GPA) is calculated as the weighted average of all (7) graded modules {A.01, A.02, A.03, B.01, B.02, B.03, C.01}, with the ECTS units of each module used as weights. The result is masked by the satisfaction of requirement C.02 “Publication of research results”:

GPA is calculated with accuracy of 2 decimal digits and is accompanied by the relevant characterization, according to the UNIWA performance ranking:

8.50 – 10.00: Excellent

6.50 – 8.49: Very Good

6.00 – 6.49: Good

5.00 – 5.99: Unsatisfactory

0.00 – 4.99: Fail

According to the MRES Program Study Regulation, a GPA of 6.00 or above is required for graduation.