Research Supervision

Research Supervision


All faculty members of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,  professors , associate professors , and assistant professors , can supervise student research in MRES. This especially applies to modules MRES.A.03 ‘Supervised Research I’, MRES.B.03 ‘Supervised Research II’ and MRES.C.01 ‘MSc Thesis’ that form a chain along the 3 semesters of study. In these modules, the student carries out research in his/her particular research topic selected upon enrollment and leading to the preparation and defense of an MSc Thesis on the same topic.

Within DEEE, research is organized into eleven (11) Research Laboratories that have been formally instituted within the Department and whose infrastructure and equipment supports all related activities. Fund securing and fund raising for the update and upgrade of the Laboratories equipment is an expressed policy and priority of the Department. All research and research-related activities are supported by UniWA through the institutional Special Account for Research Funds.

Research in these Laboratories is supported by academic and other staff, by undergraduate and postgraduate students and PhD candidates and by an extended network of national and international research collaborations and exchanges that is being built based on personnel initiatives. Undergraduate and postgraduate students are strongly encouraged to participate in research activities through a close interaction with the departmental MSc and PhD programs.

Research topics advertised in the MRES annual calls for applications are strongly connected to the research carried out in these 11 Research Laboratories of the Department. Students become members of the supervisor’s Research Laboratory team right from the beginning of the study program; they are thus smoothly introduced to the research atmosphere, procedures and ethics. Laboratories host, encourage and scaffold young researchers in their first steps towards independent research.

Besides the supervisor’s Research Laboratory, MRES students may carry out supervised research in an external institution, industry, company or Research Center that collaborates with the hosting Research Laboratory, under joint supervision. In that case, the supervisor from the side of UNIWA is held responsible by MRES regarding all student progress.