Quality Policy of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The vision and mission of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (DEEE) of the University of West Attica (UNIWA) is to offer students high quality education and to advance scientific knowledge through research in the subject of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The DEEE aims at generating novel knowledge, at advancing science and technology in the relevant fields, both independently and within national and international/European research
collaborations, and at contributing to the development of regional and national production, economy and society through initiatives and outreach activities towards public and private institutions.
All members of the DEEE community work and collaborate in accordance with the expressed DEEE values and aims, embrace DEEE vision and mission, adopt common policies and practice and partake of procedures for continuous improvement of DEEE.
✓ recognizes Quality as the major means to achieve high quality education and research,
✓ is committed to apply and ensure Quality in all academic, education and research activities,
✓ recognizes the role of Quality in strengthening equitable access to knowledge, outreach, international renown and collaborations with partners in the production and services.
The DEEE of UNIWA is committed to apply a Quality Policy (QP) that supports the academic character and orientation of its study programs, promotes its aims and objectives, reflects its strategic targets while defining the means, actions and mechanisms to materialize them, and applies all appropriate internal and external Quality procedures towards the goal of continuous
DEEE improvement.
✓ is aligned to the UNIWA institutional QP and to the DEEE strategic targets along the academic, research and administrative axes,
✓ is embraced and adopted by all members of the DEEE academic community,
✓ is further broken down into and monitored through specific performance targets and indicators.
In order to apply the departmental QP, the DEEE is committed to follow procedures that ensure
1. the suitability of the structure and organization of all study programs offered by the DEEE, in conformance with the criteria set by national legislation and the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation (HAHE),
2. the pursuit of learning outcomes aligned to the EQF/NQF framework,
3. the continuous improvement of teaching and teaching effectiveness,
4. the connection of teaching to research and the mechanisms to strengthen this connection,
5. the full satisfaction of student academic needs through offering high quality education
across a wide spectrum of areas within the discipline of DEEE,
6. the suitability of academic staff as reflected by their respective qualifications,
7. the raise of research production of all members of DEEE in quantity and in quality,
8. the increased level of demand for the qualifications that graduates of the DEEE hold,
9. the quality of all support UNIWA service (e.g., libraries, laboratories, etc.) and of student welfare services,
10. the prevalence of academic ethics and the refrain from discrimination at all levels, as well as the establishment of transparent operation at all levels and for all human resources in UNIWA,
11. the production of high-quality research results, the promotion of research collaborations and the use of research results for the benefit of the society; the
strengthening of outreach activities through actively seeking new collaborations at the local, national and international scale.
The QP of the DEEE is ensured through annual review and internal monitoring by the DEEE Internal Quality Unit (IQU) in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of UNIWA.
All members of the DEEE academic community are notified of the commitment of the DEEE to its QP through publishing of the QP on the departmental website. The QP is also communicated in print and in electronic form to all interested parties (academic staff, researchers, students of all study programs, administrative staff, technical staff, external partners, scholarship holders, and other professional, research, academic and social partners). This communication aims at the wider possible consensus, adoption and active engagement of all to the implementation of the QP and its procedures. Furthermore, the QP of the DEEE is communicated to the incoming students during the welcome events organized annually in the beginning of the winter semester.
Quality Monitoring Indices are established in order to monitor the DEEE QP implementation across all study programs, in accordance to the UNIWA relevant indices.